Thursday, May 27, 2010

Welcome to the new RIT Co-op and Careers homepage. Let us know what you think!

We're updating our entire site and would love to hear your feedback. If there's something you'd like to see added or changed, let us know in the comments.


  1. The home page looks nice but the student page looks so basic and unrefined as opposed to before. There color scheme is very boring and nothing pops out. I can't find anything anymore because it all fades into the background. Very poor design.

  2. I like the homepage so much more than the previous one. Looks more classy

  3. I have been on the co-op website many times and it was just a mess before. It was so hard to find what you were looking for because there was too much going on. I really like that everything has been simplified and easy to use.

    Just for future reference, SIMPLE=GOOD. There is no need for flashy buttons or the entire history of the co-op office. Students just want to find a job and need to know the necessary steps to find one. That's it. Whoever designed the front page...good job.

  4. The new homepage looks awesome! I agree with the previous comment; the simplicity is extremely effective and the previous website was impossible to navigate. Please overhaul the rest of the site now to match the homepage! I love the rollover on the social media icons.

    Only negative: color of the footer links. There's gotta be a nicer shade of brown out there!

  5. AWFUL!!!!! Though the design on the homepage is clean, it takes forever to navigate off the page. I had it open for a whole meeting and it never loaded to the student section! Many links from other departments across campus are now broken. The basic pages are not pleasing and unorganized. This should have been in a test environment for longer, it definitely was not ready to go live!

  6. I'm frustrated! Where is the Job Search area? After i log-in i used to be able to find it right away. Please make the job search button obvious and clear on the front page.

  7. The front page is nice but the rest of the website really needs to be redone. It's nearly impossible to click the "back" button both on the browser and on the web page. The website overall takes too long to navigate.

  8. This is not an easy site to manuver-difficult to find the job search section. I cannot find the list of companies that will be at the career fair March 30th HELP!

  9. This link gives you the companies by major, but you will need to log in to Job Zone to see further details.
    You should also follow the company's' URL to research them.
