Resolutions You Should Make this Year to Get Ahead
Monday, January 03, 2011 8:20 AM
Resolution 1: Conquer a fear. Is there a pesky fear that's holding you back at work? Think about what that may be costing you. Resolve to: Sign up for Toastmasters and practice speaking up at any meetings you attend.
Resolution 2: Set boundaries at work. Make this the year you stop being a doormat for your boss or needy co-workers and set some firm boundaries with your time and work load. Resolve to: Practice saying no to seemingly small requests so you can focus on your own projects.
Resolution 3: Build your network. The importance of networking is nothing new; but a fresh new year is the perfect time to reach out to colleagues to wish them well in the year ahead. After all, networking is all about keeping in touch. Resolve to: Meet more people. Join an industry association and actually attend their networking events and workshops.
Resolution 4: Become a mentor to someone new to your industry. If you're feeling a bit uninspired or burned out in your career, taking on the challenge of becoming a mentor is a good way to not only give back, but gain a fresh perspective on your industry. Resolve to: Contact a career services office or an industry association and offer yourself as a mentor.
Resolution 5: Be bold! Ask for a raise or promotion. If your company hasn't given you a raise since sometime before 2008 when the word "recession" became an everyday part of our vocabulary, it's time to be bold and ask for more. Resolve to: List all of the reasons you deserve a raise and/or promotion and make an appointment to review your accomplishments with your boss.
Resolution 6: Set firm boundaries and achieve a work/life balance. Resolve to: Put limits on your precious time.
Resolution 7: Start a business. Resolve to: Write a business plan and take small action steps toward launching your own venture.
Resolution 8: Stop using the recession as an excuse not to find a new job. Resolve to: Brush up your resume and cover letter -- updating them so that if you come across an exciting new job opportunity, you're ready
Resolution 9: Change careers if you’re in a rut. Resolve to: Use LinkedIn to contact people currently working in your dream job and ask them for tips.So many workers are slugging away at jobs they hate simply because they won't take action to pursue their true passion.
Resolution 10: Take on more challenging projects. Stuck in a rut? Tired of slogging away on the same boring projects? Learning a new job function or volunteering to lead a committee can provide you with the types of challenges that make work exciting. Resolve to: Tell your boss that you'd like to learn something new or volunteer to lead a specific project that comes up this year.
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