Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Graduating and Still Looking for a Job? We Can Help!

Due to the economy, the job market continues to be really competitive. If you’re still looking for a job, it’s important to take advantage of all available resources and develop a comprehensive job search strategy.

Here are some tips and resources you may find helpful:

Use Our Office’s Services: As an RIT graduate, you have FREE lifetime access to our office’s services!

Continue to use Job Zone to search for full-time opportunities

Meet with your Program Coordinator to have your resume and other job search correspondence reviewed and for tips to strengthen your job search strategy (your Program Coordinator is also a great source of job search resources specific to your career field!)

Find job databases and professional organizations specific to your field on our web site – from the Student page's toolbar, under Prepare select the “Intro to Job Searching” on that page are numerous major-specific lists to choose from.

Attend career fairs, company information sessions, and job search workshops

Network: Networking is a critical part of how most graduates find their first full-time job, and in a tight market it becomes particularly important. Join professional organizations and take advantage of every opportunity to meet and interact with professionals in your fields of interest, extend your knowledge of preferred career fields, find out who’s hiring and get personal referrals to hiring managers.

Use Your Contacts: Contacts are anyone you know - ANYONE. When first creating your list, don’t exclude those who aren't working in your field or due to thinking they may not know anyone of interest to you. You don’t know their network! Let your contacts know what you would like to pursue and ask if they know of anyone you could talk with related to your interests.

Use Online Networking Tools: LinkedIn ( is an online tool for professionals and a very productive way to identify employers, potential contacts, alumni groups, industry affinity groups, specific job opportunities and much more. Like your resume, you should spend some time creating a very well-written LinkedIn profile and include links to an on-line version of your resume, your own blogs if appropriate (professional), and examples of your work. Visit for more advice on using LinkedIn! RIT’s Alumni Relations Office also provides graduating students and alumni with free access to the Alumni Online Community at, which includes the Tiger Locator database. The Tiger Locator allows you to browse and connect with over 100,000 alumni contacts. Use the Advanced Search feature to find alumni working at companies you’re interested in!

Target Growth Industries: Set your sights on industries and sectors that have strong hiring needs including healthcare, education, the Federal government, Environmental/Green, Financial Services, and Entertainment, among others.

Be Flexible: Be willing to move and work in a different geographic location than you had planned; consider doing a different kind of work or working in a different industry other than what you believe would be ideal; if necessary, consider a lower starting salary than you had hoped for; accept a part-time job rather than a full-time one.

Be Optimistic and Persistent: Inquire about each of your applications within the first two weeks with an email or phone call. Employers still respond to job seekers who make the extra effort to write follow-up thank you notes and continue to reconfirm interest. Be proactive - position yourself as a candidate that “wants the job the most”.

Consider Temporary Agencies: Temp agencies provide another gateway into organizations or fields of interest. Temping is a great way to get your foot in the door, network, and prove yourself.

Overall, remain positive – with persistence and a good job search strategy in place something will come through for you! Remember too that we are always here to help. If you would like to schedule an appointment to discuss your search, please contact our receptionist at 585.475.2301.

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