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Handshake Helper is here to help you make the most of Handshake |
Saved Searches and Search Alerts!
As you know Handshake is the career platform where we post
jobs for students and alumni (plus more). But did you know that you have the ability to not only save
your job searches in Handshake, but also to customize and receive job alert
notifications when new jobs matching your search criteria are added?
(Note: When saving a
search, please be aware that you are not saving your search results. You are saving
your search criteria).
First, Create Your Search:
1. Select Jobs from the top menu bar.
2. You will see on the left of the screen a list of filters
you can use to create the criteria for your search. Filters include items such
as location, employment type, major, labels (co-op terms), etc. Select the criteria for your search.
You’ll want to save this search if you think this is one
you’d like to perform again in the future, or you want to receive alerts when
more jobs like this are posted.
Remember, by saving your search you are saving the criteria for the
search, not the data the search yielded. The jobs meeting the criteria of your
saved search could easily change from day to day.
To Save Your Search:
1. Select the Create Search Alert button under Saved
Searches (on top left side of page)
2. You have saved your search! This search is viewable by
you alone; no one else has access to it.
Note: If you save a search that does not have a keyword,
Handshake will default to naming the search according the date you saved it. If
you would like, you are also able to edit the title of the search, or edit the
notification settings for the alerts.
To Create an Alert:
Select the pencil icon next to the saved search
Here, you can rename your search, and choose how and when
you'd like to be notified when new jobs are posted that match this job search
So, there you have it! We hope you find these Handshake tips
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